
Lo and behold, a follow-up post

         In a turn of events I'm genuinely surprised by, I am making another post as a follow up to my last one. I tried posting a gif here but apparently there's some error which is stopping it from posting properly. Here's an alternative to convey what I was hoping to do with a gif.  le gasp . (Edit: As in many things, refreshing the page fixed the issue! See gif below)          I am not into day 3 of my adventures in learning how to code. I'm approaching this by doing one lesson a day. That way (hopefully), I can make sure I don't feel too overburdened and drop it. I found the beginner HTML lessons fun! The basic structures were introduced by slowly building and modifying a webpage on brown bears. Learning a new element, and then applying it to the page I was building was great. It allowed me to see the impact of each new element and gave me a tangible depiction of my new knowledge. Maybe when I feel a little bit more comfy, I'll modify my webpages here with

Yes, this blog is a thing. Yes, I forgot about it. Yes, I might abandon it again.

          Hi. Hello. It's been many moons. I'm having a bit of a time with my creative energy pulling me in all sorts of directions. As the years have passed, I've started to wonder if that ebb and flow is a result of depression, anxiety, ADHD, or some combination of those and more. I digress, Madhav brain go brrrrrr. I'm coming back to this abandoned spot on the interwebs to have some kind of documentation for my stream of consciousness. So fully expect stream of consciousness here, and maybe not so much in the way of coherence.            In an effort to stave off some of the feelings of inadequacy I have (I know cognitively I am an accomplished human who tries and continues to learn, but Imposter Syndrome and societal expectations are real, evil things), I have decided I want to learn how to code. Maybe someday I can use it in my professional life, maybe it will make me feel smart, maybe it'll help me become Batman.          I have, as of maybe 10 minutes prior t

"Ruh-Roh: Rime Roesn't Ray!"

Hey! Been a long time. For my return to blogging, I'm doing something very random that struck me on a whim. Whaaaaaaaaaaaat, you might ask? Prepare for ... CONTEXT ! *drumroll* So I love Scooby Doo. I grew up on Scooby Doo. I used to watch it with my mom all the time, and we had a blast together. The show What's New Scooby Doo! came out when my brother was a toddler., and it was great because I got a new way to introduce him to something I loved. We watched it  every  Saturday morning for a  long  time. With all that in mind, I bought all 3 seasons over the course of the last year or so because I was feeling nostalgic. One night, while I was watching an episode with a glass of wine (par for the course), I asked my partner what she thought the crimes the villain would be charged with as well as costs for property damage. We then spent like 20 minutes debating this. So, inspired by this series of events, I am going to re-watch ALL of What's New Scooby Doo

Election Day!

Hello! Today's election day. It's a super important day. Why? Because if you're eligible to vote, doing so has a direct impact on outcomes for our country. You can argue that your vote is insignificant, but that's not true. It's important that we raise our voices to advocate for the change we wish to see in our country. Our vote holds those we put in power accountable. Vote to give voice to yourself, and more importantly, to those whose voices are diminished by the society and systems we live in. PUBLIC HEALTH ALERT Coming from a public health background, I find even more importance in voting. I feel that the health of our nation can be measured by the proportion of individuals who give their voice towards creating the system that is our democracy. Through voting we decide on important initiatives that have ramifications at all levels. Here's a map of a social-ecological model of society. Let me break down how voting can directly impact at each of th

Back at it again?

So I was told somewhat explicitly from a friend that I hadn't posted here in a while. Which I knew. But it was kinda funny to have it pointed out to me. SO. Here is my first post in a while. Life and grad school and a new job have really been keeping me busy recently. So I apologize to my friend who pointed out I haven't posted that I haven't posted recently. Quack (He'll know what this means). Regardless, hello! Coming at you barely alive and sleep-deprived. Sleep has been hard to come by recently. I've had to stay awake to study for some big exams I've had recently. They're done now, but I still am not really getting good sleep. Part of that is just I stay up later than I should, and the other part is my dog is affronted that I don't let him sleep on our bed in the night. He'll start pacing and huffing at me and random points in the middle of the night like the angsty teenager that he is. He doesn't understand that he's allowed on the

Back to School Excitement (?)

What's hopefully my last year of school started yesterday (cue fanfare and celebration). Though I have to admit, starting my final year of graduate school is by far the least novel school start that I've ever had. Every year of grade school starting was a huge thing. Between the mad scramble for school supplies and whining about summer break being over, it seemed like a fairly busy time. Starting a new year at college meant traveling up to Wisconsin again and seeing all my friends again- which was a big deal. The first year of grad school was novel. I worked for 2 years after college, so going back to school felt new and exciting. Starting this 2nd year of grad school- one day I didn't have school, the next day I did. I think part of it is I live in the same city as my program, and I drive to it on my own. The other part is I'm just ready to be done. Grad school is expensive. I miss making a full-time salary. Plus, in general, I don't like people. Going to a place

My Brain is Ridiculous

I swear I don't understand why my brain does the things it does half the time. One second I'll be thinking about something I need to focus in, and then I look up and 20 minutes have passed after I thought about how I might reboot the Harry Potter series as a TV show. While these derailments can be interesting (and TBH I think a TV series would allow for a lot more and better character development), they pretty much always occur when I least need them to. I would've said, "when I least want them to," but most of my derailments are pretty enjoyable. I spent a good deal of time the other day thinking about how I would make an aloo paratha pizza. Aloo Paratha  is an Indian stuffed bread dish that has a potato filling. It's super tasty. The idea of using it as a base for a Pizza sounds delicious. Bread, potato, spices, and cheese on top of that?- sinful. Though I had this thought process when I probably could've been cleaning, and my partner was very confused